Coaching & Training
For growth-minded individuals, teams, and organizations who are looking to develop a success mindset, identify their value-driven goals and create a sustainable strategy for achieving these goals…
Empowering Conscious & Courageous Leadership
Research demonstrates that organizations that manage their people better are more successful. I specialize in an organizational behaviour using psychodynamic coaching approach. I help individuals and companies operate efficiently and effectively through fostering emotional intelligence, deepening their self-awareness and facilitating long-term transformation.
With new insight into their core beliefs and emotional responses, my clients identify their internal conflicts, address unresolved issues, and make conscious choices in their personal and professional lives The result? My clients are more conscious and courageous leaders in their lives.
With tangible, research-backed frameworks, such as transformational Core Energy Coaching™ model and ground-breaking Energy Leadership Index™ assessment, along with a signature Law of Being Program you will expand your consciousness to enjoy more satisfaction in every aspect of life and shift into becoming all you dream of being.
I am committed to your success! I am focused on helping you achieve what you want from life.
With my coaching process, we will uncover…
Your inner blind spots and cultivate new perspectives which support your success on a sustainable level. You will be empowered to dig deeply, honestly, and objectively into your energy and mental programming to assess who you are and who you want to become.
I will support you as you establish and achieve new goals, raise your level of consciousness, and open up new possibilities that were previously hidden from sight. You will step into a new version of yourself, make connections, become a catalyst for culture shift within your workplace, and increase the joy and positivity in every aspect of your life. You will unleash your potential and become the most confident, self-reliant, and fulfilled version of yourself.

“Fantasy” and “reality” are the same. To break the barrier and walk between the worlds of the reality that we know and the world of imagination, the only thing you will ever need is the capacity to see beyond the limitations you have placed on yourself.
– Willow Smith.
By taking leadership in our life, having courage to develop our potential and transform skills into value centred actions, we gain clarity in our purpose, become a more effective leader in our life, and ignite passion in our relationships.
If you are committed to improving your performance and effectiveness while reducing stress, willing to put in the effort to rewire years of mental habits that no longer serve you, regain calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenges most effectively, coaching might be just the thing you are looking for. Why not…
Book a Complimentary Discovery Call

“Irene embodies the belief that love can break through the coldest of barriers, and she lives this philosophy in her coaching practice.
I once saw a boat slowly cutting its way through a frozen river, and at that very moment, a friend said, Love breaks the ice." Irene is that boat, gracefully navigating through the frozen waters of life, breaking barriers, and inspiring all those fortunate enough to cross her path. If you're seeking a Life Coach who is multi-talented, observant, and truly inspirational, Irene is the embodiment of those qualities. Her coaching will transform your life in ways you never thought possible.”
- Carlton Brown, CPTN Personal Trainer, Toronto, Canada

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