Freedom Of Conscious Choice
Think about a circumstance in which you believe you have been under the illusion of choice. You thought you decided something, but it was circumstances from your past that had already decided for you. Why do you think you made this choice? What would be at least one other choice you can now see you had in that situation?
How many times you made the decisions that you might now consider to be misjudgments or errors? What do you know now that you didn’t know then?
How can you choose more consciously next time?
You are constantly making choices and decisions. Some of your choices are subconscious and are made in microseconds, others occur in the longer term.
What is a conscious choice? A conscious choice is made in the moment. It is not influenced by the past experiences or the unknown future. If you fell off the swing in childhood, chances are you might not be that thrilled to hop on a swing in the park on a sunny afternoon. You filter your decision through the past experience. Your choice has already been made. The emotional trauma of the fall was too much for you. You decided not to take a risk before it was presented to you. It is the circumstances from your past that had already decided for you.
Most of your choices are not really conscious choices. You are not the one choosing. Your past, your worries, your fears choose for you. Essentially the choice is made for you when you don’t choose consciously. You tend to follow the same pattern until that pattern is disrupted by new knowledge or awareness. New awareness allows a fresh perspective on oneself and the world.
As you work on awareness, you learn to break through the illusion of choice and better see the options available to you in any given situation.
You may not always see the choice in how you interpret life and its circumstances. They might not always be under your control, but changing how you think about “what is” helps you respond as you choose to.
When you trust yourself, you can access your own wisdom and know that there are multiple solutions in any situation.
Awareness and unconditional acceptance of “what is” allows you to make a conscious choice to either continue doing what you are doing or to pivot and try something different.
If you learn to think holographically, you can view a situation as a whole where you are looking at your choices logically, emotionally, and intuitively at the same time. Start with analyzing a situation through examining facts, see if they make sense, do your research, and go over what you already know by experience or common knowledge. Then examine your emotions about the situation. Think what would be the most enjoyable decision for you and those around you. Finally, see what your inner senses say when you approach a situation intuitively.
Making a decision using only logic, emotion, or intuition often does not give you the whole picture. Holographic thinking, is a powerful way to make conscious choices from a positive perspective of purpose, as opposed to a negative perspective of fear or worry.
Next time you need to make a difficult choice, consider this decision-making method. Make a list of the pros and cons of each choice. Go down the road of each choice 6 months from now and describe how you would feel about yourself and the situation. Which feels better to you? Look at the values you are honoring by choosing each option. How important is honoring those values to you? Which value is most important to you?
You are ALWAYS at choice.