Energy Attracts Like Energy

Do you always surround yourself with inspired, passionate, motivated, and open-minded people? Do you cultivate life satisfaction by focusing on your well-being, contentment, and happiness? You will be surprised how energy influences your quality of life.

In his book, “Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human”, researcher and psychiatrist Daniel Siegel describes energy as constantly flowing through your brain and your body, between yourself and others, and in interaction with the world around you.

Everything we do requires energy and has an energetic charge. Energy powers our efficiency, motivation, and even opportunity. We as humans, at the core, energetic beings. The quality and amount of energy we experience daily determines our overall potential to pursue our goals and experience fulfillment. Most people do not reach their full potential because they don’t have enough of the right kind of energy to use when they need it. We have more influence over our energy flow than we may realize. With conscious effort we can increase our control over what we experience and achieve in life.

Neuroscientists are now able to map the electrochemical energy flow in the brain. While electrochemical energy is used to initiate action, each of our thoughts, emotional responses, and subsequent behaviors also generate a reaction, or energetic consequence. Scientists believe that if we can become aware, or conscious, of the basis for our thoughts and emotional reactions and purposefully shift our perspective to a more optimistic stance, we can transform the energy that is generated and redirect its flow. By doing so, we open ourselves up to increased opportunities to learn and grow. In the same way, by expanding our thinking and controlling our emotions, we can make more constructive choices and take more effective steps towards accomplishing our goals.

Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, and environmental dimensions of human experience may support or obstruct the flow of energy through our bodies and minds at any given moment. The key to achieving physical and emotional well-being and optimal performance lies in learning to decrease destructive and conscripting energy while releasing the natural flow of expansive and healing energy.

How do You maximize the expression of your energy in ways that benefit you personally and professionally?


Transcend Your Small Self